You should pay attention to make sure your website performs well to serve its purpose. There are several important thing to make sure your sites performs optimally.
Provide valueable content and relevant link. Excessive banner advertisement do not be used into your website because visitors trained themselves to ignore banner advertisiments. By using excessive banner, you will be wasting valuable website real estate. You may provide valueable content and relevant links.
Provide Navigation to give information about which part of the site. You do not want your visitor become confuse in browsing your site. You have to provide navigation to any section of the site easily to make your visitors know which part of the site.
Make sure your visitor have some control over your audio on your site. When people visit your site and read your content, you will want to make sure some audio looping are not annoyed concentration of visitors. So,you have to make sure they have some control over it. You have to make sure control of volume and muting work fine.Provide valueable content and relevant link. Excessive banner advertisement do not be used into your website because visitors trained themselves to ignore banner advertisiments. By using excessive banner, you will be wasting valuable website real estate. You may provide valueable content and relevant links.
Provide Navigation to give information about which part of the site. You do not want your visitor become confuse in browsing your site. You have to provide navigation to any section of the site easily to make your visitors know which part of the site.
Make sure your visitor know how to use navigation. A simple and very straightforward navigation menu will help people that visite your website know how to use it. Avoid using complicating Flash base menus.
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