October 04, 2014

Graphic and Web Design Tips

Web design involves conceptualization, planning and content delivery execution over the web. Web design aims at creating sites that present their content in a form that can be easily read by human beings. Design of web pages is done using markup languages which support readability in different browsers. A good website will consist of contents and graphics, web page layout and plugins. Here are some graphic and web design tips for designers.

Users always expect web pages to appear within a definite period whenever they open them. They expect all page components to appear almost at the same time. Therefore, the designer needs to ensure that web pages download quickly. A web page cluttered with a lot of graphics is heavier and has an increased loading time. Ensure human-readable web page content. As a designer, make sure that your pages fit into 640x480 pixels. Any background color should not interrupt the textual colors. Your text should have a more suitable size. Yellow, blue or red color and blue color combinations is not appropriate for a website. Red, white and yellow or white and blue are some of the accepted color schemes. A template, if carefully used, could be a better option for the design of a website.

Web page layout and design consistency play a notable role during the design of websites. Use technologies like Cascading Style Sheet in order to maintain a uniform layout throughout the website.

Never clutter your pages with a lot of links. Underline your links and present them using a different color to make them distinct from the rest of the page contents. Ensure that all external links open in new windows.

Navigation between varying pages of the site is a vital component of web design. Have the links organized in a manner that the users will easily find the information they need. Avoid excessive cascading of the links. It is recommended that any website design features the ''Next'' and ''Back'' buttons. The availability of a site map is very important so as to ensure that the users of the site easily get whatever they are exactly looking for. It is essential that all sites offer a search facility for their users.

It is important for the designer to consider the fact that there are several different designers, thus browser compatibility becomes an important aspect of web design. When it comes to the web graphics, there are some designs which display darker images compared to the design part. But images ought to be in RGB color mode as opposed to indexed color mode. This prevents data or color loss. Use colors that are applicable to your browser during image creation. Use of other colors may lead to unexpected results. The thumbnails make it possible for users to have options to choose pictures. Because the thumbnails are easy to load, they need to be attached to images. As you reference an image, the width and height tags will be essential for fast reloading of pages. Save images in psd format if you use Photoshop for image design.

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